Streaming Video from SFN TV NOW
High-quality, high definition video entertainment with options for every budget
Streaming Video Packages from SFN TV NOW
FMTI has partnered with SFN TV NOW to deliver your favorite channels and programming at very affordable rates through your favorite streaming devices.
All SFN TV NOW packages include a Roku Streaming Stick. Amazon, Android, and Apple devices are also supported. Click for details.
150+ Channels
- Phoenix local network channels
- Premium movie channels
- FREE HD access
- One Roku Device
130+ Channels
- Phoenix local network channels
- Even more popular national networks
- FREE HD access
- One Roku Device
Core Residential
100+ Channels
- Phoenix local network channels
- Popular national networks
- FREE HD access
- One Roku Device
Available SFN TV NOW Channels
FMTI Internet service is required to receive SFN TV Now. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
Channel | Network | Channel | Network | Channel | Network |
3 | KTVK - Phoenix | 1224 | Nat Geo Wild | 1756 | IFC |
4 | Comet | 1225 | National Geographic | 1757 | AMC |
5 | CBS - AZ Local | 1126 | ID Channel | 1758 | FXM |
6 | Circle | 1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1900, 1902-1949 | Music Choice |
7 | AZ TV 7 | 1131 | CSPAN | 306 | Boomerang |
8 | PBS - AZ | 1132 | CSPAN 2 | 509 | CNBC World |
9 | Cozi | 1133 | CSPAN 3 | 519 | Telemundo |
10 | Fox - AZ Local | 1135 | Viceland | 581 | CNN International |
11 | PBS Kids | 1301 | Cartoon Network | 1127 | Science |
12 | NBC - AZ Local | 1303 | Disney XD | 1208 | Discovery Family |
13 | Heroes & Icons | 1304 | Disney JR | 1209 | Discovery Life |
14 | Fox Weather | 1400 | Game Show Network | 1210 | Destination America |
15 | ABC - AZ Local | 1401 | AWETV | 1212 | American Heroes |
17 | Crime | 1402 | HGTV | 1216 | Crime & Investigations |
18 | Quest | 1404 | Food Network | 1403 | Magnolia |
19 | Laugh | 1410 | Travel Channel | 1406 | Cooking Channel |
61 | The CW | 1412 | Beach TV-ATL | 1407 | GAC |
62 | Grit | 1414 | Beach TV-PC | 1501 | Fuse |
63 | Ion Mystery | 1417 | Beach TV-DES | 1517 | Universal Kids NBC |
219 | Aspire | 1419 | Beach TV-NO | 1577 | Bloomberg |
554 | Positive TV | 1500 | AX's TV | 1580 | BBC World |
555 | Smile of a Child | 1502 | FX | 1603 | ESPN News |
556 | Enlace | 1503 | FXX | 1604 | ESPNU |
561 | Inspiration TV | 1505 | Bravo | 1607 | CBS Sports |
1006 | CNN | 1508 | CNBC | 1608 | Fantasy Sports |
1007 | HLN | 1510 | E! | 1615 | ESPN Deportes |
1008 | TBS | 1512 | Golf Channel | 1698 | Strike Zone MLB |
1009 | QVC | 1513 | MSNBC | 1699 | NHL Network |
1010 | OANN News TV | 1516 | Oxygen | 1751 | Turner Classic Movies |
1011 | TNT | 1518 | SYFY | 1753 | HD Net Movies |
1012 | TruTV | 1521 | USA | 1754 | Reelz |
1118 | History | 1550 | EWTN | 1815 | Starz Encore |
1123 | Discovery | 1551 | Catholic TV | 1816 | Starz Encore Action |
1124 | TLC | 1552 | TBN | 1817 | Starz Encore Black |
1125 | Animal Planet | 1576 | BBC America | 1818 | Starz Encore Classic |
1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1578 | Fox News | 1819 | Starz Encore Westerns |
1131 | CSPAN | 1579 | Fox Business | 1820 | Starz Encore Suspense |
1132 | CSPAN 2 | 1600 | MLB | 1821 | Starz |
1133 | CSPAN 3 | 1601 | ESPN | 1822 | Starz Cinema |
1135 | Viceland | 1602 | ESPN 2 | 1823 | Starz Comedy |
1142 | The Weather Channel | 1606 | SEC Network | 1824 | Starz Edge |
1202 | Ion Television | 1610 | Pursuit | 1825 | Starz in Black |
1203 | RFD | 1613 | Fox Sports 1 | 1826 | Starz Kids & Family |
1204 | Uptv | 1614 | Fox Sports 2 | 1835 | Showtime |
1206 | Disney | 1616 | Big 10 Network | 1836 | The Movie Channel |
1207 | Freeform | 1617 | Tennis Channel | 1837 | Showtime 2 |
1211 | OWN | 1618 | MAV TV | 1838 | Showcase |
1213 | A&E | 1631 | ACC Network | 1839 | The Movie Channel Xtra |
1214 | Lifetime | 1748 | Hallmark | 1840 | Show Extreme |
1215 | Fyi | 1749 | Hallmark Movies | 1841 | Show BET |
1218 | We TV | 1752 | Lifetime Movies | 1842 | Show Next |
1755 | Sundance Film | 1843 | Show Women |
Channel | Network | Channel | Network | Channel | Network |
3 | KTVK - Phoenix | 1126 | ID Channel | 1758 | FXM |
4 | Comet | 1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1900, 1902-1949 | Music Choice |
5 | CBS - AZ Local | 1131 | CSPAN | 306 | Boomerang |
6 | Circle | 1132 | CSPAN 2 | 509 | CNBC World |
7 | AZ TV 7 | 1133 | CSPAN 3 | 519 | Telemundo |
8 | PBS - AZ | 1135 | Viceland | 581 | CNN International |
9 | Cozi | 1301 | Cartoon Network | 1127 | Science |
10 | Fox - AZ Local | 1303 | Disney XD | 1208 | Discovery Family |
11 | PBS Kids | 1304 | Disney JR | 1209 | Discovery Life |
12 | NBC - AZ Local | 1400 | Game Show Network | 1210 | Destination America |
13 | Heroes & Icons | 1401 | AWETV | 1212 | American Heroes |
14 | Fox Weather | 1402 | HGTV | 1216 | Crime & Investigations |
15 | ABC - AZ Local | 1404 | Food Network | 1403 | Magnolia |
17 | Crime | 1410 | Travel Channel | 1406 | Cooking Channel |
18 | Quest | 1412 | Beach TV-ATL | 1407 | GAC |
19 | Laugh | 1414 | Beach TV-PC | 1501 | Fuse |
61 | The CW | 1417 | Beach TV-DES | 1517 | Universal Kids NBC |
62 | Grit | 1419 | Beach TV-NO | 1577 | Bloomberg |
63 | Ion Mystery | 1500 | AX's TV | 1580 | BBC World |
219 | Aspire | 1502 | FX | 1603 | ESPN News |
554 | Positive TV | 1503 | FXX | 1604 | ESPNU |
555 | Smile of a Child | 1505 | Bravo | 1607 | CBS Sports |
556 | Enlace | 1508 | CNBC | 1608 | Fantasy Sports |
561 | Inspiration TV | 1510 | E! | 1615 | ESPN Deportes |
1006 | CNN | 1512 | Golf Channel | 1698 | Strike Zone MLB |
1007 | HLN | 1513 | MSNBC | 1699 | NHL Network |
1008 | TBS | 1516 | Oxygen | 1751 | Turner Classic Movies |
1009 | QVC | 1518 | SYFY | 1753 | HD Net Movies |
1010 | OANN News TV | 1521 | USA | 1754 | Reelz |
1011 | TNT | 1550 | EWTN | 1815 | Starz Encore |
1012 | TruTV | 1551 | Catholic TV | 1816 | Starz Encore Action |
1118 | History | 1552 | TBN | 1817 | Starz Encore Black |
1123 | Discovery | 1576 | BBC America | 1818 | Starz Encore Classic |
1124 | TLC | 1578 | Fox News | 1819 | Starz Encore Westerns |
1125 | Animal Planet | 1579 | Fox Business | 1820 | Starz Encore Suspense |
1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1600 | MLB | 1821 | Starz |
1131 | CSPAN | 1601 | ESPN | 1822 | Starz Cinema |
1132 | CSPAN 2 | 1602 | ESPN 2 | 1823 | Starz Comedy |
1133 | CSPAN 3 | 1606 | SEC Network | 1824 | Starz Edge |
1135 | Viceland | 1608 | Fantasy Sports | 1824 | Starz Edge |
1142 | The Weather Channel | 1610 | Pursuit | 1825 | Starz in Black |
1202 | Ion Television | 1613 | Fox Sports 1 | 1826 | Starz Kids & Family |
1203 | RFD | 1614 | Fox Sports 2 | 1835 | Showtime |
1204 | Uptv | 1616 | Big 10 Network | 1836 | The Movie Channel |
1206 | Disney | 1617 | Tennis Channel | 1837 | Showtime 2 |
1207 | Freeform | 1618 | MAV TV | 1838 | Showcase |
1211 | OWN | 1631 | ACC Network | 1839 | The Movie Channel Xtra |
1213 | A&E | 1748 | Hallmark | 1840 | Show Extreme |
1214 | Lifetime | 1749 | Hallmark Movies | 1841 | Show BET |
1215 | Fyi | 1752 | Lifetime Movies | 1842 | Show Next |
1218 | We TV | 1755 | Sundance Film | 1843 | Show Women |
1224 | Nat Geo Wild | 1756 | IFC | ||
1225 | National Geographic | 1757 | AMC |
Channel | Network | Channel | Network | Channel | Network |
3 | KTVK - Phoenix | 1225 | National Geographic | 1756 | IFC |
4 | Comet | 1126 | ID Channel | 1757 | AMC |
5 | CBS - AZ Local | 1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1758 | FXM |
6 | Circle | 1131 | CSPAN | 1900, 1902-1949 | Music Choice |
7 | AZ TV 7 | 1132 | CSPAN 2 | 306 | Boomerang |
8 | PBS - AZ | 1133 | CSPAN 3 | 509 | CNBC World |
9 | Cozi | 1135 | Viceland | 519 | Telemundo |
10 | Fox - AZ Local | 1301 | Cartoon Network | 581 | CNN International |
11 | PBS Kids | 1303 | Disney XD | 1127 | Science |
12 | NBC - AZ Local | 1304 | Disney JR | 1208 | Discovery Family |
13 | Heroes & Icons | 1400 | Game Show Network | 1209 | Discovery Life |
14 | Fox Weather | 1401 | AWETV | 1210 | Destination America |
15 | ABC - AZ Local | 1402 | HGTV | 1212 | American Heroes |
17 | Crime | 1404 | Food Network | 1216 | Crime & Investigations |
18 | Quest | 1410 | Travel Channel | 1403 | Magnolia |
19 | Laugh | 1412 | Beach TV-ATL | 1406 | Cooking Channel |
61 | The CW | 1414 | Beach TV-PC | 1407 | GAC |
62 | Grit | 1417 | Beach TV-DES | 1501 | Fuse |
63 | Ion Mystery | 1419 | Beach TV-NO | 1517 | Universal Kids NBC |
219 | Aspire | 1500 | AX's TV | 1577 | Bloomberg |
554 | Positive TV | 1502 | FX | 1580 | BBC World |
555 | Smile of a Child | 1503 | FXX | 1603 | ESPN News |
556 | Enlace | 1505 | Bravo | 1604 | ESPNU |
561 | Inspiration TV | 1508 | CNBC | 1607 | CBS Sports |
1006 | CNN | 1510 | E! | 1608 | Fantasy Sports |
1007 | HLN | 1512 | Golf Channel | 1615 | ESPN Deportes |
1008 | TBS | 1513 | MSNBC | 1698 | Strike Zone MLB |
1009 | QVC | 1516 | Oxygen | 1699 | NHL Network |
1010 | OANN News TV | 1518 | SYFY | 1751 | Turner Classic Movies |
1011 | TNT | 1521 | USA | 1753 | HD Net Movies |
1012 | TruTV | 1550 | EWTN | 1754 | Reelz |
1118 | History | 1551 | Catholic TV | 1815 | Starz Encore |
1123 | Discovery | 1552 | TBN | 1816 | Starz Encore Action |
1124 | TLC | 1576 | BBC America | 1817 | Starz Encore Black |
1125 | Animal Planet | 1578 | Fox News | 1818 | Starz Encore Classic |
1129 | Motor Trend TV | 1579 | Fox Business | 1819 | Starz Encore Westerns |
1131 | CSPAN | 1600 | MLB | 1820 | Starz Encore Suspense |
1132 | CSPAN 2 | 1601 | ESPN | 1821 | Starz |
1133 | CSPAN 3 | 1602 | ESPN 2 | 1822 | Starz Cinema |
1135 | Viceland | 1606 | SEC Network | 1823 | Starz Comedy |
1142 | The Weather Channel | 1608 | Fantast Sports | 1824 | Starz Edge |
1202 | Ion Television | 1610 | Pursuit | 1825 | Starz in Black |
1203 | RFD | 1613 | Fox Sports 1 | 1826 | Starz Kids & Family |
1204 | Uptv | 1614 | Fox Sports 2 | 1835 | Showtime |
1206 | Disney | 1616 | Big 10 Network | 1836 | The Movie Channel |
1207 | Freeform | 1617 | Tennis Channel | 1837 | Showtime 2 |
1211 | OWN | 1618 | MAV TV | 1838 | Showcase |
1213 | A&E | 1631 | ACC Network | 1839 | The Movie Channel Xtra |
1214 | Lifetime | 1748 | Hallmark | 1840 | Show Extreme |
1215 | Fyi | 1749 | Hallmark Movies | 1841 | Show BET |
1218 | We TV | 1752 | Lifetime Movies | 1842 | Show Next |
1224 | Nat Geo Wild | 1755 | Sundance Film | 1843 | Show Women |
Channels current as of 02/13/2024. Channel line-up is subject to change.
Device Included
All SFN TV NOW Packages include a Roku Streaming Stick
- It delivers seamless streaming in spectacular 4K, Dolby Vision®, and HDR10+ picture!
- With 4K picture, stream in four times the resolution of HD and experience lifelike clarity as colors pop off your screen.
- The stick plugs right into your TV with a simple setup.
- It’s perfect for wall-mounted TVs and keeping wires out of sight.
- The device works with Apple AirPlay, Apple Home, Alexa, and Google Home.
Additional Supported Devices
Make | Model | Model Number | Support |
Amazon | Fire TV Streaming Stick 4K | (3rd Generation) | Currently Supported |
Android | Mobile | Minimum OS Version: 5.0 | Currently Supported |
Certified TV | Minimum OS Version: 5.0 | ||
Apple | iPad | Minimum OS Version: 11.4 | Currently Supported |
Apple | iPad Pro | Minimum OS Version: 11 | Currently Supported |
Apple | iPhone | Minimum OS Version: 11.4 | Currently Supported |
Roku | 1 | 2710 | Not Supported |
2 | 2720, 4210 | Not Supported | |
3 | 4200 | Not Supported | |
4 | 4400 | Currently Supported | |
Express | 3930 | Not Supported | |
Express+ | 3931 | Not Supported | |
Streaming Stick | 3400 | Not Supported | |
Streaming Stick | 3500 | Not Supported | |
Streaming Stick | 3600 | Currently Supported | |
Streaming Stick + | 3810 | Currently Supported | |
Ultra | 4670 | Currently Supported | |
Premier | 3920 | Currently Supported | |
Roku TV | Device Dependent |